Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A wild night

What a strange night. I woke up at 1:28am.
I was convinced something good was going to happen.
Not just in the next hour or day, but in the near future.

I couldn't sleep.
Then this verse kept running through my mind:

But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. "(Luke 5:16)

I vowed to go and do likewise in the days to come.

But I still couldn't sleep so I started to pray.
A number of people got prayed for - my family, people in my church, and friends in the ministry.
I kept thinking, "Something is happening....happening in the spiritual realm."

Then I unexpectedly started praying to be filled with the Spirit.

Praying hard.

The story Jesus told of a man going to his friend's house in the middle of the night unfolded before me. Him banging on the door asking for bread. It was vivid. Jesus was using this story to teach us how to pray and he concluded by saying, " much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"(Luke 11:13)

By now it was 2:30am. I knew I was going to pay for this the next waking up feeling like a truck hit me. Or as Glenda would say, waking up feeling like a truck hit you and then backing up over you. But at that moment it didn't matter. Something seemed to be happening. Different than what I sensed was coming in the future, but happening none the less.

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